Our 1600 diameter END CAP Closing Caps were produced in a boutique in Egypt upon the special request of El Nour company.
High-pressure resistance, manufacturing steel, stainless steel, adjustable gasket
No pressing and hammering are required for hydrostatic pressure testing.
Mountability, better sealing thanks to special gasket design, suitable design, and weight for ergonomic mounting.
No pressing is required, easy to connect.
Adjustable strength of thermoplastic pipes under pressure according to TS EN ISO 1167 and ASTM D 1598-1599 standards widely used to measure performance.
It has an ideal design for long-term, life-span, and endurance tests.
It has a measurement characteristic that tolerates the deformations of the pipe during the hydrostatic pressure test.
No hammering and pressing is required thanks to the special screw pressure design used to ensure sealing.
Adaptive silicone/rubber seal production from galvanized steel or 304, 316L stainless steel materials in accordance with TS EN ISO 1167, ASTM D 1598-1599 standards.
Compatibility with PE, PP, PERT, and PEX pipes ranging in diameter from 800 to 2600 mm.
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